Friday, May 9, 2008


Breasts and car stereos arent two things you would normally put in the same company, but, yes, there is a link between them. In the early days, cars did not come with radios. In fact, you couldnt even buy a radio for your vehicle from a car company if you wanted to, no matter how much money you had. In 1928, businessman Paul Galvin was taking a road trip with his wife, and they passed the hours singing their favorite songs to each other. At one point, his wife remarked that it would be lovely if they could find some way to power a radio or phonograph while in the car, so that they could listen to music while they drove. One year later, he had done it, with the invention of the first car stereo. It was expensive around $110 to $130 but it proved to be a tremendous success. People bought them in droves. Paul called his invention the Motorola yes, that Motorola from a combination of the words motor and the suffix for sound, ola. As we all know, his invention and his company have become immensely successful. But what does this have to do with breasts? Because that original road trip where Mr. and Mrs. Galvin sang to each other, and Paul Galvin was struck with the stirrings of imagination that would lead to his groundbreaking achievement, that road trip took place in . . .Le Grand Tetons - The Grand Tetons which, for those of you who dont know your French, means The Big Breasts.

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